HomeHelp Center U7BUYGAMES TradeProtect for Buyer

U7BUYGAMES TradeProtect for Buyer

1. U7BUYGAMES TradeProtect will cover a buyer's purchase when:

- Buyer did not receive their order.

- Item received by the buyer does not match product description.

2. U7BUYGAMES TradeProtect does not cover the following:

- Buyers have verified and confirmed the receipt of the order.

- Buyer's remorse.

- Transactions made outside of U7BUYGAMES Marketplace.

- Any amendment by Game Developer / Game Publisher after delivery is successfully conducted.

3. U7BUYGAMES TradeProtect does not cover fraudulent claims. We reserve the right to pursue legal actions and permanently suspend a buyer's account for filing fraudulent claims.

4. Buyers must only confirm the receipt of your order after you have verified the item received is as described in the product listing and in working condition. Confirming the receipt of your order indicate that you are satisfied with your purchase and agree to release the payment to the seller.

5. The buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the purchased Goods and/or Services if no claim, issues and/or complaints is raised or made by the relevant Buyer to U7BUYGAMES within seventy two (72) hours upon delivery of the purchased Goods and/or Services. Refunds will not be given for orders which its payment has been released to the seller.

6. All Sale Contracts are strictly made between the relevant Seller and the relevant Buyer. U7BUYGAMES may assist the Buyer or the Seller in the event of a dispute after the conclusion of Sale Contract, but shall not otherwise be responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever in respect of Sale Contracts.

7. In the event of a trading dispute, buyers have 72 hours to respond to our request for information by providing evidence for validation. We will deem the issue resolved and close the dispute if buyer fails to do so within the stipulated time frame.

8. All payment disputes or chargeback is not covered by TradeProtect. We will stop investigation and any request including refunds will not be entertained if such situation arise.

9. U7BUYGAMES TradeProtect is not a product warranty.

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